
What is Homeopathy?

Posted by on Jun 15, 2012 in Health, Homeopathy | 0 comments

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of healing that treats the individual before the disease. It is based on the concept of “like cures like.” No matter the person’s ailment or diagnosis, symptoms are recorded and then matched to a substance in nature that can produce similar symptoms in a healthy adult. The similar substance is then highly diluted and succussed (or potentized) into a homeopathic remedy.

A practitioner using homeopathically prepared remedies is not necessarily practicing homeopathy. Homeopathy always goes “in the direction” of nature—it stimulates the immune system in a similar way as the existing disease, strengthening and energizing natural defenses to finally overcome the aliment. In contrast to Allopathy, or standard medicine, in which drugs usually go against the body’s natural defenses and suppress symptoms, homeopathy always adheres to the concept of “like cure like.”

The practice of homeopathy requires a deep respect for symptoms as they are sign-posts which can lead toward the correct remedy, and so, better health. By merely suppressing symptoms immediate relief may result, but this relief is usually short-lived. Our symptoms are the way the immune system, or “vital force,” is seeking to find homeostasis. Without the often bothersome expression of our vital force the disease would be allowed to go deeper and become more serious.

The goal of homeopathic treatment is to not eliminate symptoms but assist in deep healing—a healing only nature, through the vital force, can bring about.

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